Leading Structural Steel Fabrication Company for Sale in the South East of England.

REF: INT2971

Asking Price:
Annual Turnover:
Annual Net Profit:
REF: INT2971


  • Excellent Reputation
  • Friendly & Professional Team
  • Very Loyal Customer Base
  • Huge Growth Potential
  • Strong Supplier Relationships

Now on the market is a business specialising in steel fabrication and erection services for conventional steel and pre-engineered building structures.

It is one of the leading structural steel fabrication companies in the South East area of England and it is fully established as a results-driven company, that thrives on turning ideas into reality.

Established 21 years ago, this company has a stellar reputation and is highly accredited. It has a certificate of registration with SCCS execution class 2 BSEN 1090. Other accreditations include a Builders Profile certificate, SCCS certificate, Acclaim, and it is a Gold member of Construction Line.

This would be a perfect opportunity for someone with industry experience interested in being their own boss, or perhaps an existing company looking to expand their service offering.

As this business is a confidential sale, we require you to complete a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to access further information

Please complete your details and we will be in touch


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