Five Good Things to Come From Coronavirus

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Five Good Things to Come From Coronavirus

With Coronavirus dominating the news and social media, it’s easy to become bogged down with the negatives. But at times like these it’s important to try and find the positive. So, here are five positives that we’ve seen come about in the last few weeks:

Boost for Local Shops

There’s no doubt that these are uncertain times for many small businesses – particularly those in the catering and hospitality sectors. However, empty shelves in the larger supermarkets and a distinctive effort to shop local has lead to a boost in sales for greengrocers, butchers, and corner shops. Many restaurants and cafes have also adapted to keep trading – offering local deliveries that have proven extremely popular. What social distancing guidelines and high street closures have shown us is the versatility and insight local entrepreneurs possess and the support and community spirit upheld by their customers.


Global warming is a massive environmental issue that affects everyone across the world – and has been a waving red flag long before Coronavirus rose its ugly head. With air travel grounded and car journeys limited to essential trips only, we’re already seeing a knock on effect of lower carbon emissions and massive reductions in nitrogen dioxide levels. Cleaner air will lead to a happier planet and (perhaps ironically) fewer health issues connected to air pollution. As we watch the water of the Venice canals clear and fill up with fish, perhaps we can take note of the impact even small changes to our lifestyles can have on improving our current climate.

Appreciation for Our NHS and Key Workers

Our NHS workers should always be recognised for their consistent hard work – but never more so than now. As thousands of doctors, nurses, porters and front of house staff put themselves at risk every day to help fight back against this pandemic, many have come out of retirement or taken on extra shifts to try and ensure there is as of a resource available as possible. Other keyworkers are also starting to receive the recognition they deserve. With carers, postmen, truck drivers and supermarket employees (to name just a few) going about business as normal – it’s important to acknowledge the sacrifices being made whilst the rest of us stay safely at home. For the last two weeks, people have taken part in huge rounds of applause to thank these key workers for their continued dedication – a small piece of thanks for keeping us all safe, fed and well.

Community Spirit

Save the odd bit of small talk or an awkward smile whilst passing in the street, not many of us have much interaction with our neighbours nowadays. However, with the introduction of self-isolation came a surge in communities and neighbours pulling together to care for each other and help those who are more vulnerable. From assisting with shopping to street-wide group chats – across the country people are pulling together in a way many might not have experienced before. Whilst this could be a short term change that reverts back once we resume business as usual, it could also be the start of a spark which keeps community spirit on a high for years to come.

Quality Time with Family & Friends

Ironically, social distancing has actually lead to many of us making more of an effort to catch up with loved ones. Video call apps are proving a lock-down necessity as we turn to technology to host our own pub quizzes, share a glass of wine and generally keep spirits high. It really does seem as though being forced apart is bringing everyone closer together.

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