As lockdown relaxes and things begin to return to 'normal' - for lack of a better word - face to face interactions are beginning to increase once more. With this comes some anxiety, what should you do to keep safe whilst showing someone around your business premises?
Here at Intelligent, the safety of our buyers and sellers is at the forefront of our minds. Whilst face to face viewings are important to help move a sale along, we want to ensure all of our customers are as safe and as comfortable as possible.
What we're doing
Telephone Viewings
We're still encouraging interested parties to arrange telephone viewings in the first instance. If there's a genuine and serious interest following this initial conversation an in-person viewing can be booked in. This helps to reduce the number of parties you're having to meet and show through your premises, filtering down to only the most serious of inquirers.
Symptom Check
At the time of booking, we're asking all parties if they've recently experienced any symptoms, previously tested positive for coronavirus, or taken part in any activities that would mean they should be self-isolating (such as flying). This means we can minimise any risks and ensure we're booking viewings whilst still following government guidelines.
Informing All Parties
Everyone who books a face to face viewing with us will receive information about how to conduct their appointment safely and respectfully.
What you should do
Practice Social Distancing
Whilst the viewing is taking place please remain a 1-meter distance from others where possible. If your premises is only small, only one person should be in there at a time. We'd also recommend wearing a face covering.
Wash Your Hands
One of the main pieces of guidance we've been hearing since the outbreak of coronavirus - wash your hands. You should do this before and after meeting your viewer - using either soap or hand sanitiser.
Sanitise Surfaces
Make sure to wipe down any frequently touched surface areas both before and after the viewing. This includes; door handles, light switches, countertops, locks and keys.
Call to Rearrange
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms in the run-up to your viewing, speak with us to rearrange or cancel your appointment. You should also contact us if you develop any symptoms up to 14 days after your viewing has taken place so we can make the other party aware.
For more information and guidance around selling your business as we exit lockdown, call our team on 0800 612 7718.